Minister's Toolbox

EP 98: How To Stay Encouraged Even When You're Not



Have you ever felt discouraged enough in ministry to want to quit? If you’ve never felt like that, I doubt you’ve been in ministry very long! Ministry is challenging for several reasons. Church members often fail to live up to your expectations. They don’t seem to care about lost souls or dedicating themselves to the work of ministry. They view the church as just another event to compete with their crowded schedule. How do you encourage yourself in the Lord? I share some insights that will help you reignite your passion for ministry during the podcast. I also referenced Episode 13 about friendship with Ramin Salehi. Episode 20 shares more insights about how to beat the blues. I also mention quick tax advice for ministers here, and reference MileIQ, a free app to keep track of your miles with a pencil, calculator or notebook.