Camera Ready With Val Brown

CR 29 - 5 Simple Steps To Creating Videos On The Fly



Creating videos on the fly is something I get asked about a lot, whether its for your product or a business message or idea you need to deliver quickly and effectively. And, as I was going through my morning ritual the other day I thought wow, wouldn’t it be awesome to create a video ritual that would let you get clear about your message and make sure you look and sound great before you hit the record button. It would be something that was especially good for situations when you don’t have a lot of time to think. Having a quick framework to reference allows you to collect your thoughts and energy and show up with intention and confidence. So I got to thinking about my morning ritual, one I got from Mel Robbins, the author of the Five Second Rule.   I created my own version of her morning ritual, Take Five, so you can gather your thoughts quickly and turn out great looking videos, every time. For a refresher on how you can use Mel's five second rule to stop procrastinating and get your headshots done, listen t