Camera Ready With Val Brown

CR 43 - How to create your video content mission statement



The first step in creating a video strategy is creating a video content mission statement. It will answer three questions: what you do, how you do it and why.  Once you know these three things you can then create your video mission statement what type of information will you deliver and why. A video content mission statement will help you stay on target when you are developing content for your videos. Do you want to educate, entertain, inspire? What does your audience need? What are their pain points? Getting really clear on this does two things. It lets you plan and deliver a cohesive body of content and develop a content calendar that supports your business strategy. When you have a road map it defines what you should be doing as much as what you should not be doing. What is the outcome your audience will receive as a result of consuming your content? In this episode, learn how to write your video content mission statement. Once you do, it will guide your content decisions whether you’re doing a quick video