Buffy Virgin

S3 E8 "Lover's Walk"



What’s classier than bowling? Snooker or Trivia. Everyone needs an anti-love spell. Travis makes some strange predictions. We hate people that are good at tests but don’t study. Spike Returns. Buffy is the Rosetta Stone of modern entertainment. And Buffy has her first funeral. Ties are severed. Unretractable things are said. Spike figures out what to do next. Think about Excess Baggage sometime. Buffy Virgin, Michael Poley, Horror comics cartoonist, Denis St. John, Buffy Enthusiast John Landis and special guest, Pop Culture Writer Stacy Stevenson talking about Revelations. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/buffyvirgin/ See Mike's predictions at: http://www.buffyvirgin.com/predictions/ Get the Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/buffyvirgin Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/buffyvirgin/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/buffyvirginpod