Together 24/7 With Barry & Catherine Cohen

106: Elise and Scott Grice of Hey Sweet Pea



A little about our guests. Elise is a California beach girl and Scott is an outdoor enthusiast perfectly content to be in the mountains. Hmmm. But marriage is most important to them, so they repeat their honeymoon at least once a year, and they do date night. Elise has the strong branding background. She freelanced for 5 branding and design companies at the ripe old age of 17, worked for Sony pictures, then ventured out on her own. Scott is the movie buff with over 500 titles in his very organized collection. Scott loves systems and automating. So much so that he took the stressful job of planning their wedding off Elise’s plate. Scott studied film-making and graduated at the height of the recession. A little about their business. The offices of Hey, Sweet Pea are wherever Scott and Elise are. From their 2-month adventure through Europe to their current trek around the country in a 28-foot camper, Scott and Elise are constantly creating new courses for their clients. Starting as a branding company working one