Together 24/7 With Barry & Catherine Cohen

108: Gala Gorman and Charlie Frangos of YES Unlimited



A little about our guests. Gala and Charlie have been in business together since 2008 and got married right around the time they went into business together. Charlie has 2 sons from a previous marriage. Charlie is 100% Greek. He is second generation and all 4 grandparents immigrated from Greece. He’s an avid tennis player and even coached the Duke University Women’s Tennis Team in the early 80’s. Dr. Gala is all about the Romantic Comedy. She has seen the film “The American President” at least a dozen times. Her secret hop is that Janie’s clone applies for a job as Dr. Gala’s personal assistant. A little about their business. YES Unlimited provides addiction recovery support. Dr. Gala and Charlie create programs and tools that provide practical techniques for people dealing with addiction. They focus on getting results quickly and in a way that improves your quality of life. Both Dr. Gala and Charlie are recovering from their own addictions as well as having come from addiction in their own families. They are