Together 24/7 With Barry & Catherine Cohen

113: Don’t Over Complicate Things



About the show How often do we find ourselves not completely enjoying our wins because we drove ourselves crazy getting there? When we over-complicate things we can add a level of stress to life that is completely unnecessary. Here are some ideas to keep things simple so you can make good decisions and get things done faster and better. Work from your happy place. If you are stressed, get grounded and centered. Use bullet points. Just making a simple list, then going back later to fill in the details (or fill in as you go) can lay out an easy-to-follow plan. Work from the end result, back. Celebrate small victories as well as big ones. When you simplify things, you can get more done in less time and more efficiently. So if you find yourself getting overwhelmed, stop, do one of the above or anything else that helps you see the big picture, and remove unneeded steps. Get in Touch with Us 602-399-7430 Facebook – /RealTogether247