Together 24/7 With Barry & Catherine Cohen

126: Stephanie Cummings and Tal Berke of Tula Industries - Shlocker



A little about our guests. Stephanie’s background is all about getting things done. She has developed sales territories for billion dollar companies, bootstrap start-ups and companies in between. Stephanie studied at SUNY Fredonia and received her Bachelor’s degree. Since then, almost all her positions have been in the consumer products field. When she isn’t working or hanging with her honey, Stephanie is on the beautiful beaches of Long Island with her nose in a book or practicing yoga. Tal derives joy solving the world’s problems…those found in the minutiae of everyday life. Those annoying problems. Tal’s career started in real estate asset management and sales. But his family background and entrepreneurial upbringing was in manufacturing, exports and imports. Tal is a graduate of SUNY Stony Brook. When he isn’t woring or hanging out with Stephanie, Tal enjoys the beach or going to the gym. A little about their business. Tal is all about developing great life hacks. The idea for Shlocker, a locker for the s