Together 24/7 With Barry & Catherine Cohen

135: Rocky and Cheryl Detwiler of Samson Life



A little about our guests. Rocky made it all, lost is all and made it all back again, bigger and better than before. After unknowingly getting into a Ponzi scheme, Rocky lost his money, home, and family. Things did not look good. He rebuilt his life focusing on his own physical health first. When he began winning bodybuilding championships, Rocky took the words that inspired him and began to put them on clothing to inspire others. Rocky credits all the wonderful things in his life to his attitude of gratitude. He is grateful for everything in his life now and grateful for the things to come as if they are here, right now. Cheryl is a certified personal trainer who loves working with people. Her background is in business management and business finance. Cheryl and Rocky met when she was a trainer at Rocky’s gym. Cheryl liked Rocky enough to volunteer to help him write his first book. With no book writing, publishing or editing experience, Cheryl dove right in. Good grades in English class gave her the courage