Danny Hauger Podcasts

"Return" Bonus Track by Danny Hauger on the Lime Light Album Banjo 2021 Studio recording



Bonus Track exclusive to Bandcamp - pay what you want and support my music! https://dannyhauger.bandcamp.com/album/lime-light Return Today you walk with a purpose, Tomorrow you'll walk with a cause. Today nothing will stop you, Tomorrow may force a pause. Right behind me a shadow is walking, Its one and its only it’s tall and it’s lonely. It's looking for a shadow to join into. Return Return to the way things were. Return Return to the way things were. Today I walked out to meet you, Tomorrow you're already gone. Today you question my solvency, Tomorrow I'll never be wrong. Right behind me a shadow is walking, It's one and it's only, it’s tall and it’s lonely. It's looking for a shadow to join into. Return Return to the way things were. Return Return to the way things were. Support my music on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/dannyhaugermusic Download free on Danny Hauger Podcasts. Music in this channel is written, recorded, and produced by Danny Hauger. Support my free music by downloading Danny Hauger musi