All Good In The Motherhood With Teresa Priolo

14: The secrets of breast feeding with Sheri Bayles



Moms and Dads, I’m going to let you in on a little secret breastfeeding is the dirty little secret of new motherhood for SOME moms… and I’m one of them. Since the day my son was born, I have felt a real sense of responsibility towards breastfeeding…and a real guilt when my 4 day old son went on a nursing strike.  I have laughed, cried and screamed over breastfeeding. There are days where I have loved being able to provide for my child in this way—and others where I thought, WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING? I committed to it in the hospital and I’m not a quitter… but to call it natural is honestly, comical.  I knew from the get-go I needed help. So I called on the best person I could think of: [Sheri Bayles]( who happens to be one of the most well-known lactation consultants in the new York city area.  Look, she primed me during labor and Matthew flew out of me in 3 pushed/5 minutes.  If she could work that magic I thought, SURELY she’ll help me breastfeed.  We’re taking a look back