Good Law | Bad Law

Good Law | Bad Law #53 - How To Prevent Hazing W/ Dr. Gregory Parks



Aaron Freiwald, Managing Partner of Freiwald Law and host of the weekly podcast series Good Law | Bad Law, is joined by Dr. Gregory Parks to discuss hazing on college campuses.   Dr. Parks is a professor of law at Wake Forest University; has written and contributed to numerous books relating to hazing in Greek Life on college campuses; and has researched hazing in traditionally African American Fraternities. In today’s discussion Dr. Parks and Aaron talk about all of the recent hazing cases that have happened and what we can do to prevent more from happening.   Dr. Parks tells Aaron, in his research he has found that traditionally white fraternities tend to haze using alcohol while traditionally African American fraternities tend to haze using violence. He goes on to explain, even though many states have laws against this behavior, the schools need to do a better job emphasizing them. “Laws are only effective when people know they exist.” Dr. Parks tells us.   In addition to being a professor of law at