Good Law | Bad Law

Good Law | Bad Law #56 - Pro-Bono Legal Work, A Lawyer's Duty W/ Joseph Sullivan



Aaron Freiwald, Managing Partner of Freiwald Law and host of the weekly podcast series Good Law | Bad Law, is joined by Attorney Joseph Sullivan who is Special Counsel at Pepper Hamilton who focuses his practice on Pro-Bono legal work.   Joseph and Aaron talk a lot today about the importance of Pro-Bono legal work and its role in the legal community. He compares lawyers’ roles to that of doctors who treat people in an emergency without asking about compensation. Lawyers are here to help people navigate the legal field and it’s an obligation to help the people who may not be able to afford the legal service but still needs the help.   Joe talks about how he got into law, his career, and why he ultimately chose to focus on Pro-Bono legal work. He also shares some stories from his career about how Pro-Bono work has made a huge impact on people’s lives, it’s helped people who would have otherwise not been able to afford legal help.   Join Aaron Freiwald and Joe Sullivan for a great discussion about Pro-Bono