Good Law | Bad Law

Good Law | Bad Law #62 - Libel Laws W/ Jim Beasley Jr.



Aaron Freiwald, Managing Partner of Freiwald Law and host of the weekly podcast series Good Law | Bad Law, is joined by Jim Beasley Jr. from The Beasley Firm in Philadelphia to talk about libel laws.   Inspired by the book “Fire and Fury” and President Donald Trump’s reaction to the book (the president proclaimed we need to toughen up libel laws in the country), Aaron wanted to talk to an expert on libel laws to see what the President would have to prove in order to have a libel case.   Jim starts the episode by explaining the difference between libel and slander before going into the different criteria that have to be met for public figures vs. private individuals. He also explains the differences between bringing a case against a news source or a publisher vs. bringing a case against a private person.   Jim also briefly explains the history of one of the landmark libel lawsuits in our country New York Times Co. v Sullivan (   Join Aaron F