Good Law | Bad Law

Good Law | Bad Law #67 - The Argument For Impeaching Justice Clarence Thomas W/ Jill Abramson



Aaron Freiwald, Managing Partner of Freiwald Law and host of the weekly podcast series Good Law | Bad Law, is joined by Jill Abramson, the former Executive Editor at the New York Times, to talk about her recent article in New York Magazine calling for the impeachment of Justice Clarence Thomas.   Before Jill became the first female editor in New York Times history, she wrote a book called “Strange Justice” where she examined Clarence Thomas’s testimony at his confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice 25 years ago. In the book Jill and her co-author Jane Mayer say Justice Thomas perjured himself with his testimony regarding Anita Hill.   Jill’s latest 4,000-word cover story in New York Magazine thrusts this discussion back into the spotlight re-igniting the debate on impeaching Justice Thomas. When Jill wrote her book “Strange Justice” in 1994, the #MeToo movement hadn’t been born yet. Now with so many women coming forward to name their abusers and to bring attention to the problem of sexual harassme