Good Law | Bad Law

Good Law | Bad Law #78 – Is The Bill Cosby Verdict The Start Of A New Trend? W/ Melissa Gomez



Aaron Freiwald, Managing Partner of Freiwald Law and host of the weekly podcast series Good Law | Bad Law, is joined by Melissa Gomez, President of MMG Jury Consulting LLC., to talk about how Juries have changed over the past few years.   Melissa Gomez is a jury consultant with a PHD in psychology and a Master of Science in education from the University of Pennsylvania. In her career as a jury consultant she has worked on over 600 jury trials across the United States and has written two books; Jury Trials Outside-in: Leveraging Psychology from Discovery to Decision, and The Witness preparation Partner: A Guide to Becoming the Ready Messenger.   We brought Melissa in today to talk about the second Bill Cosby trial which resulted in a conviction, to see if she thinks the changes in the political climate and the #MeToo movement had any impact on the jury’s decision. She explains that since 2017 she has seen a sharp increase in distrust among juries towards those who come from a position of power. And, this d