Good Law | Bad Law

Good Law | Bad Law #85 – Can Opioid Makers be Held Accountable for Devastating Impact on Communities, Including Ponca Tribe? W/ Dave Domina



Aaron Freiwald, Managing Partner of Freiwald Law and host of the weekly podcast series Good Law | Bad Law, is joined by Dave Domina to discuss the national opioid crisis and the wave of litigation to hold the pharmaceutical industry responsible.  Dave has joined in this massive effort by filing a federal lawsuit on behalf of the Ponca Tribe of Nebraska against more than two dozen opioid manufacturers and distributors.   The Complaint Dave has filed is a treatise on the origins of the opioid crisis, how pharmaceutical companies manipulated science and medicine to reap billions of dollars in profits, and why so many people are dying and so many communities, like the Ponca, are suffering today.  Here is a link to the Complaint: here.   A Nebraskan attorney, Dave has run for both Governor and Senate and he also holds the honor of having prosecuted two impeachment cases during his career. Dave is now taking on another very important case as he represents the Ponca Tribe of Nebraska in new litigation against a