Good Law | Bad Law

Good Law | Bad Law #89 Is the time now to act on climate change? w/ Steve Harvey & Yolanda Pagano



Aaron Freiwald, Managing Partner of Freiwald Law and host of the weekly podcast series Good Law | Bad Law, is joined by Steve Harvey and Yolanda Pagano of the organization “A Call to the Bar: Lawyers for Common Sense on Climate Change.” A non-partisan group, “A Call to the Bar” is a group designed to encourage lawyers around the country to get involved in the issue of climate change in the hopes of finding solutions.     Both Steve and Yolanda have backgrounds somewhat related to the issue of climate change and global warming. Colleagues in law school, Steve and Yolanda explain that climate change is a universal issue that touches almost all aspects of our lives. With a background in science, Steve’s passion for climate change was reignited after he opened his law firm, Steve Harvey Law, LLC. A general litigator in Philadelphia, Steve’s firm specializes in commercial litigation and he approaches “A Call to the Bar” as both a lawyer and a concerned citizen. Yolanda never practiced law after graduation but fo