Good Law | Bad Law

Good Law | Bad Law #102 - Is Lethal Injection Fatally Flawed on Moral and Constitutional Grounds? w/ Dr. Joel Zivot



What are the moral and ethical challenges with the death penalty today?  Not even so much whether to have a death penalty – which is a crucially important question, of course – but what are the moral dimensions of using lethal injection to carry out executions?  And what moral implications are there because medicine used to heal, here is used to kill?  And what about the requirement that health care professionals must engage in the act of taking a life?   Aaron Freiwald, Managing Partner of Freiwald Law and host of the weekly podcast series Good Law | Bad Law, is joined by Dr. Joel Zivot to discuss the case of Russel Bucklew a death row inmate in Missouri who claims lethal injection would violate his 8th Amendment rights.   Russel Bucklew suffers from an illness called cavernous hemangioma, a disease that causes weak and damaged blood vessels. Bucklew contends that pentobarbital, the drug Missouri uses when executing inmates by lethal injection, would not circulate through his blood properly. As a result,