Good Law | Bad Law

Good Law | Bad Law #103 - The Power of the Law vs. Homelessness w/ Maria Foscarinis



New York City’s homeless youth population could fill Yankee stadium. . . twice.   Aaron Freiwald, Managing Partner of Freiwald Law and host of the weekly podcast, Good Law | Bad Law, is joined by Maria Foscarinis to discuss homelessness and poverty and the growing problem of homeless LGBTQ+ youth in our country.  Maria is devoting her career to using the power of the law to change this.   Maria started her career at the law firm of Sullivan & Cromwell, a large corporate law firm in NYC where she had the opportunity to do pro bono work representing homeless families. After working with these families and seeing first hand the impact she was having on them, she decided to leave the law firm and establish the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty.   Maria shares her personal journey as well as some of the groundbreaking work her organization has handled to improve the lives of homeless individuals and to attack the root causes of homelessness.  An important part of her work, Maria tells us,