Good Law | Bad Law

Good Law | Bad Law #105 - The Case of the Kindergartner and Her Life-Saving Cannabis Oil w/ Joe Rogoway



Aaron Freiwald, Managing Partner of Freiwald Law and host of the weekly podcast, Good Law | Bad Law, is joined by Joe Rogoway, the managing attorney at the Rogoway Law Group in California to talk about a fascinating pro-bono case he recently took on involving a young girl who was denied access to her CBD oil at school.   In today’s episode, Aaron and Joe talk about Brooke Adams, a five-year-old girl living in California who suffers from Dravet Syndrome, a severe and rare form of epilepsy that comes with life-threatening seizures that are unpredictable, frequent and can cause serious damage if not treated quickly. One method that’s proved effective at managing her seizures is CBD and THC oil, two components of marijuana which has been legalized for both medical and recreational use in the state.   Instead of allowing Brooke to bring her medication to school, the Rincon Valley Union School District offered to provide her with an hour of home schooling per day. Not satisfied with that clearly inadequate resp