Good Law | Bad Law

Good Law | Bad Law #107 - Doom and Gloom and What to Do About Voting w/ Joshua Douglas



What to do about voter suppression?   Aaron Freiwald, Managing Partner of Freiwald Law and host of the weekly podcast Good Law | Bad Law, is joined by Professor Joshua Douglas of the University of Kentucky College of Law to discuss voting laws in our country.   With the Florida Senate and Governor’s races in the midst of recounts and court battles, many are again hurling charges of voter suppression and voter fraud.  What can we do to make sure as many people as possible have free and unhindered access to one of the most fundamental rights we have, the right to vote?   Aaron and Josh discuss some of the main ways states erect obstacles to vote.  Josh, the author of a new book on voting, Vote for US: How to Take Back our Elections and Change the Future of Voting, also shares stories of individuals who are making a difference to open the doors to voting rights and some of the communities that are innovating in the area of voting and elections.  Aaron and Josh discuss the effectiveness of some of the measu