View To The U: Office Of The V.p., Research (utm)

Norman Farb



In this episode, Season 4, Episode 1, we are turning to Professor Norman Farb from U of T Mississauga’s Department of Psychology for an answer to the question, “Why is meditation and mindfulness so important for us, and why is it on so many people’s radar these days? For this particular episode, because it is January, and people may have started off with some intentions for the new year ahead, which statistically speaking, might be starting to wane right about now, our main question, or the “eye on why” tackles these questions and hopefully the talk offers some inspiration about maintaining a meditation and mindfulness practice if you have made it one of your goals for 2020, and it will help to keep you on track. Over the course of the interview we also cover how yoga ties in to meditation, what mindfulness means, how Norman got into this area of research to begin with – spoiler alert, Psychology wasn’t his original academic path – and a bit of a eureka moment he had in the lab in a study related to stude