View To The U: Office Of The V.p., Research (utm)

Negin Dahya



Technological tools for education & connection For this particular episode we focus on: “Why and how are mobile phones and social networks enabling education as it relates to refugees? How is this working in some remote places around the world?” We turn to Professor Negin Dahya from UTM’s Institute of Communication, Culture, Information, and Technology and UofT's Faculty of Information Studies for an answer to these questions, along with some other insights related to her research. Over the course of the interview we cover Negin’s work that considers the cultural and social contexts of digital media production and use through the lens of education and learning with a particular focus on women in refugee camps in Kenya. Negin also talks about how she got into the area of research initially, the potential impact of her work for things like educational design in blended-learning systems, and the importance of International Women’s Day on March 8 but also that feminism is a fight for equality that should