View To The U: Office Of The V.p., Research (utm)

Nicole Charles



This edition of VIEW to the U features Professor Nicole Charles in Women and Gender Studies from UTM's Department of Historical Studies. On this episode she talks about her research related to hesitancy around the human papillomavirus vaccine in Barbados, and why the word “suspicion” resonates so much for her in her work, which intersects across several fields including transnational Black feminist studies, medical anthropology, and science and technology studies. Her forthcoming book Suspicion: Vaccines, Hesitancy and the Affective Politics of Protection in Barbados (Duke University Press ), is due out later this year in December 2021. Nicole Charles joined the faculty at UTM in 2017. A full transcript of the interview is available at Resources - Nicole Charles's website is at - Her book Suspicion: Vaccines, Hesitancy and the Affective Politics of Protection in Barbados (Duke University Press, 2021) can be found at