Conversations With Calcaterra

EP51 – Eric Grossman (Fitness Trainer) - Conversations with Calcaterra



“You heard of people who are farm strong? You start by picking up a calf every day and then at one day you’ll be picking up a cow.” – Eric Grossman “A 1000 mile journey starts with one step.” – Eric Grossman “Eating is one of my joys in life and I’m not going to deprive myself, but I put in the work!” – Eric Grossman Eric Grossman has always been fit but didn’t really focus his mind on the science of fitness until dealing with some serious pain while on break from touring the world as a musician. He still plays out every now and then but has dedicated his life to helping others achieve their health and wellness goals. Visit Ken @ and on various social media outlets and please share and comment on this episode. Sign up to our mailing list to receive a discount code for Blue Planet Eyewear products. Special Thanks to show sponsors: Sarah Bettens – Sarah’s song “Come Over Here” opens up the show and features the dynamic bass playing of Eric Grossman who toured with the band. Check out