Conversations With Calcaterra

EP61 – Craig Nobbs (Screenwriter) - Conversations with Calcaterra



“I’m the writer who likes to show up as close to everyday. A friend in my writers group wrote a book about comedy screenwriting, he had a term called ass in chair which I’m an advocate of. You show up each day even if you don’t see output.” – Craig Nobbs as stated on Conversations with Calcaterra “There’s talks about remaking Back to the Future. To me I say no! Do not remake Back to the Future” – Ken to Craig Nobbs on Conversations with Calcaterra “Being an artist is on some level about self-management. Knowing yourself and knowing how to work, who you are to be able to get to the places you need to.” – Craig Nobbs as stated on Conversations with Calcaterra “In any work of art, I’d much rather have somebody take a chance and maybe not quite achieve what they want to achieve because sometimes you will and when you do it’s amazing.” – Craig Nobbs as stated on Conversations with Calcaterra Craig Nobbs is an award-winning screenwriter whom Ken met at the Austin Screenwriter’s Conference. He is based in Manha