Bellmont Traders Podcast

Mike King on Donald Trump



This week we talk to Mike King from The Motley Fool on the rise of Donald Trump and the effect it will have on the Australian markets. The information contained herein (“Content”) has been prepared and issued by Bellmont Securities ABN 47 119 852 890 AFSL 331625. All intellectual property relating to the Content vests with Bellmont Securities unless otherwise noted.  DISCLAIMER The Content is provided on an as is basis, without warranty (express or implied). Whilst the Content has been prepared with all reasonable care from sources we believe to be reliable, no responsibility or liability shall be accepted by Bellmont Securities for any errors or omissions or misstatements howsoever caused. Any opinions, forecasts or recommendations reflect our judgment and the judgement of our guests and assumptions at the date of publication and may change without notice. Bellmont Securities will not accept any responsibility for updating any advice, views, opinions or recommendations contained in this podcast.  No guara