Teaching Artistry With Courtney J. Boddie

Episode 32, ACT 2: Lucy Wallace - What Can't Be Lost



What do "Orange Is the New Black," Depeche Mode, Buddha and dance have in common? Our newest guest, Lucy Wallace! This remarkable woman is the founder of Dance to be Free, an organization that aims to radically impact the lives of incarcerated women through the healing power of dance. In this fascinating discussion, Lucy talks to Courtney about her seemingly serendipitous journey from dancer, to dance teacher, to discovering unique ways of healing through dance. With a focus on working with incarcerated women, some committed to a lifetime of imprisonment, Wallace's organization takes the art form directly to prisons across the country and creates engaging experiences through a trauma-informed lens. It's through that framework, and taking inspiration from Tennessee-based clinician and researcher Dr. Bruce Perry's "six r's of healing trauma," that Dance to be Free leans into the therapeutic nature of rhythm. The goal, Wallace notes, is to create opportunities for program participants to process moments in their