Teaching Artistry With Courtney J. Boddie

Episode 38: No More "Innocent Ignorance"



First, Courtney sits down for a convo with Step Afrika! founder, C. Brian Williams. How can predominantly white institutions (PWIs) better respond to and dismantle their own oppressive practices in order to rebuild their infrastructure? Well, that's one question and one approach. But Williams thinks he has a better idea and call to action: cultivating a strong ecology of arts organizations that are equitably represented in the field. Williams says of arts organizations across the nation that they must examine what deeply rooted historic structures have prevented growth towards equity and telling stories that decenter whiteness, and celebrate the successes and failures that are a part of the history of this country through art. What else do Courtney and C. Brian discuss? And why does C. Brian Williams make a key reference to Dolly Parton? You'll have to listen to this inspiring conversation to find out! Up next, we have Michael J. Bobbitt. Currently he is the Artistic Director of New Repertory Theatre, but h