Candice Mary Audio Experience

Candice Mary - She's Not Meat



Q: Hey Candice. I know you personally so I’m not giving you my name but I need help and I figure if I want it straight, I should ask you. I’ve always believed in supporting my wife’s dreams but lately the only thing she cares about is attention. She is throwing herself around social media like she’s everybody’s. Now I’m not the jealous type but she’s got me filming her every move to replicate every cool post she sees on Instagram and it feels like I’m assisting in an advertising campaign and the product is my wife. She says if there’s one thing she knows how to do it’s sell, but what is she selling? When the likes aren’t what she expects, she’s miserable and her next post is more suggestive or shows more skin. She’s exercising for likes not health. I’m just worried. I don’t want to sound like a prick who’s trying to hold back his wife or something. The kids are watching her too. I know a lot of women are doing this too and maybe I’m worried for nothing. A: LISTEN NOW