Beyond The Village

How a Medical Mission Team Inspires a Girl to Become a Doctor and Saves the Life of a Gunshot Victim



Ben and Cyndi Levine, a surgeon and nurse, have been leading mission trips to the Dominican Republic since 2011. Their teams always include medical and non-medical team members, and each trip has a huge impact on the local community and the team members themselves. In this episode, Ben and Cyndi tell stories about their blended-team trips, from their terribly-planned first trip to the latest team effort that is healing a gunshot victim and his family. Want to have your life changed by going on a mission trip? Go to Special thanks for music from: “Waxing Waning” by Ketsa ( is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0; “Falling Sky” by Ketsa ( is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0; “Internal Backchat” by Ketsa ( is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0