Russell Prue

1st Turweston Brownies



This is a chance to listen again to the first ever live radio show from The 1st Turweston Brownies on Wednesday 17th September 2014. With under 40 mins preparation the Girls produced this outstanding live show, Parents sent texts and these are read out at the end of the show. This was a chance for the Girls to learn about how a radio show is created and have a chance to participate and operate the equipment. The live show pulled in 136 listeners and a Taylor Swift track was played, this copyright music has been removed from this podcast. Text lines are now closed, please do not text again. Russell Prue provided the workshop support and the School Radio equipment used was designed by him and is available for schools to buy so they may setup their own radio station and teach these valuable skills. Find out more by visiting Listen to our live 24hr Radio Station, we interview Educators, Pupils and other interesting people, we also play music and school bands. Download our free