Alchemy: New Zealand Design, Tech & Business

Living the designer's life, while the world watches • Charli Prangley, Design & YouTube superstar



Charli Prangley was a student herself not that long ago, but these days she’s running her own design-centric media empire. Her YouTube channel recently topped over 100,000 subscribers! Plus she does a popular podcast called Design Life. The Design Life podcast is brilliant and I highly recommend you give it a listen. It covers everything you ever needed to know about design and working as a designer. Every episode is both entertaining and full of extremely useful insights. Charli’s You Tube channel also covers design topics, but it’s more like mini case studies on tools and techniques. And obviously with video she can show you how she works. And those are just her side projects! She also has a day job at Convert Kit, a growing startup that’s 100% remote, leading a growing trend of remote businesses that are reshaping our industry. Ultimately, Charli is designing her life – doing work she loves, living where and how she wants to live, while sharing her experiences and expertise with people all over the world.