Women Infused Radio With Kristi Lynn Olson - Women | Business | Fascinating Faith

011 Just a Touch: How to Press in and grab your healing & future,



Episode 011:  Just a Touch-How to Press in and grab your healing & future, …even when you feel like an outcast, unwelcome, unwanted, and overlooked. I’m getting real on this episode. I’ve had conversations with so many women lately who are feeling a sense of rejection in their calling or business path, unworthy, outcast, devalued, silenced, and we need to learn to activate our Faith and grab our healing (our future) so we don’t miss our moment to rise up and step into a new position of leadership and kingdom calling. Emotional wounds run far deeper than the physical.  Things that have been said to you, projected on you, even things that were meant to curse you have what we call muscle memory from any sort of trauma you may have experienced, even if you didn’t realize that’s what it was at the time.   If you’ve ever been hurt emotionally, your muscles actually have a physical memory of that, especially if you’ve held on to it or pressed it down. Deep wounds of emotional and spiritual abuse from others,