Ron Renaud's Uncompromised Talk

Uncompromised Talk with Vicki Hoefle and Ron Renaud



This episode is great if you have, had or plan on having kids! My guest Vicki Hoefle is a beast; she’s easy going yet clear about both the general philosophy for how to be successful as a parent while giving specific advice for how to handle a number of challenging circumstances. I loved this conversation for a number of reasons but a couple things stood out: Of course, her wisdom is relevant for parents — or those who engage with children but also for engaging anyone else. When Vicki talked about kids’ (human’s) natural compulsion toward independence, freedom … autonomy and their desire to be “left” to do their thing and even show you that they can be independent and do good things — which every great parent wants. I hope you enjoy Uncompromised Vicki Hoefle! You can find Vicki at: On Twitter: @vickihoefle Instagram: vickihoefleparenting Contact Ron Twitter: @Ron_Renaud Instagram: ron_renaud Facebook: