This Is Fifty With Sheri And Nancy

Ep 17 Living As If with Arielle Ford



It’s Wabi Sabi time. Sheri and Nancy sit down with Arielle Ford as she tells them about her philosophy of not only accepting, but embracing and adoring the “cracks” in your life and the people in it. Imperfections are the most interesting, and often the most endearing, parts. Arielle also shares how she approaches her life by “Living As If” and invites all of us to do the same. Live As If your love has arrived, your joy is complete and everything that you are (vibrationally) already connected to has arrived. This is next-level dreaming, and Sheri and Nancy love it. Arielle is a celebrated love expert, speaker and author who helps people find and keep their soul-mate relationships. Sheri and Nancy decide they don’t just want Wabi Sabi love … they want a Wabi Sabi LIFE.   Takeaways: [1:19] Arielle Ford, our guest today, helps people manifest their dream relationships and keep those relationships through joy and humor. [4:19] Often, we’re in a rush to finding perfection with a partner, but the juicy and fun part