This Is Fifty With Sheri And Nancy

Ep 27 Your Personal Brand Story



We are all the lead characters of our own stories.This week, Sheri and Nancy talk about the idea that each of us has the power to craft our own personal brand stories — that magical alchemy of who you are and who you want to become. It’s a story built on vision, fueled by bravery, and in service to your biggest, boldest dreams.   Parts of your brand story might be that you create a beautiful sanctuary in your home, so that it rises up to greet you every day. Or maybe you dedicate yourself to a daily practice of mindfulness with meditation and yoga. Your brand story might be a combination of many things — your health and wellness program, your happiness compass, your love plan. Whatever goals we set, actions we choose, frame of mind we inhabit — these things end up creating our present and future brand story.   Speaking of brands, Sheri and Nancy announce that This is Fifty with Sheri and Nancy is now their official public-facing brand, so be sure to follow @thisisfiftysn on all social media platforms to see w