Exploring The Mindside With Dr. Bhrett Mccabe

Antonio Neves: Stop Living on Autopilot



Take stock of your life: Based on your last 30 days of work, would your company rehire you? Would your coach re-recruit you? Would your spouse remarry you? The easy answer is, “Absolutely!” But it's probably not the honest answer. Your life might read like a success story, and your family and friends might even think you have it all figured out, but you have a secret: You've stopped caring about much of anything. You feel out of place in your own life. You'd rather binge-watch Netflix than think about what's next. You're living on autopilot. You have two choices: Experience a slow self-destruction, or commit to a course correction. The good news is, it's never too late to find your drive again. I sat down with popular speaker and success coach Antonio Neves to talk about hard-won lessons and to remind you that you do have a say—that you can reboot your life and find fulfillment right where you are. You don't have to quit your job or move to Bali to follow your passion. You do, however, need to shift your pers