Emil Amok's Takeout From Emil Guillermo Media

Ep.20: Trump Jr., The Slants, and Saying No to Hawaii 5-0



  Emil Guillermo: The Slants' Simon Tam speaks candidly on PODCAST: "The cure for hate speech isn't censorship...let communities decide, not government." July 10, 2017 6:58 PM It's been a big summer for Simon Tam, musician and founder of the Slants, now trademarked, reappropriated, and unanimously affirmed by the Supreme Court. He also got married recently in his native state of California, so there's been much to celebrate. And yet it seems there still some who aren't cheering his nearly eight-year-long battle to trademark his band's name and use the disparaging term "slant." People of color remain divided since the Slants' victory is certain to allow for the Washington NFL team to continue using its disparaging name.  Tam told Emil Amok's Takeout, he's aware of that and it bothers him.  "It makes my skin crawl, it's terrible," Tam said. But he ultimately feels the decision was a win for all, protecting vulnerable communities who have had no say in the trademark process until this case. "Our identit