Relational Rounds

Building a Community for Physicians with Dr. Andrew Morris-Singer.



Relational Rounds, brought to you by Primary Care Progress, is a podcast meant to explore the most present issues facing primary care and healthcare transformation. Your host, Elizabeth Métraux, welcomes you to the first episode, accompanied by Dr. Andrew Morris-Singer who has been an inspiration for thousands of clinicians to become leaders and primary care champions. In this episode, Dr. Morris-Singer highlights the importance of building a community among physicians, analyzing the current situation in American practitioners, and how this impacts patients and each clinician delivering health care. Listen to this podcast and become part of the change towards a healthier and more powerful community of medical practitioners.   Key takeaways: [1:49] Dr. Andrew Morris-Singer career briefing. [2:42] What motivated Dr. Morris-Singer to lead clinicians into primary care? [4:47] The culture of health care is a multitude of factors. [7:13] How the psyche of medical students is affected by the demands of the studies a