Relational Rounds

Healthcare Transformation with Robert Pearl, MD.



 In this episode of Relational Rounds, Elizabeth Metraux welcomes Robert Pearl, M.D. to talk about health care transformation. They dive into topics like leadership, motivation, teamwork, and many other key ways of shifting primary healthcare in America.   Dr. Robert Pearl is the former CEO of The Permanente Medical Group and former president of The Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group. Recently named one of Modern Healthcare’s 50 most influential physician leaders, Pearl is an advocate for the power of integrated, prepaid, technologically advanced, and physician-led healthcare delivery. Listen to this podcast and be inspired to start making the changes that will make American healthcare more efficient and competent, beginning with your practice.   Key takeaways: [1:01] Dr. Pearl career briefing. [2:01] Compared statistics in money invested in healthcare in U.S. and Europe. [2:35] Why U.S. healthcare system doesn’t work. [3:40] The context of American healthcare. [5:40] Why prevention is better than interven