Relational Rounds

Building a Better Health System with Dr. Dave Chokshi



Dr. Dave Chokshi has been dedicating his time to improving primary care health. His work, providing care to middle-to-lower-class communities of New York City, has given Dr. Chokshi the chance to encounter face-to-face difficult realities such as racism and undiagnosed chronic illnesses, among others. Dr. Chokshi shares many of his team’s ongoing programs such as the Collaborative Care Program, The Lullaby Project, and The Music and Memory program for the elderly. Dr. Chokshi emphasizes the social responsibility that health care providers have, and how to exercise it, keeping humbleness and an open-minded perspective, and being always ready for innovation   Key Takeaways: [:38] Dr. Dave Chokshi career briefing. [1:52] Dr. Chokshi describes his work. [2:48] Core value: Improving health is improving opportunity. [3:06] Personal motivation. [5:27] Interest in humanism and science but keeping our ‘public health hearts.’ [6:20] Experiences that influenced Dr. Chokshi´s perspective. [9:29] NYC work. [10:56] Transfo