Preserving Your Bloom, With Iris Ruth Pastor

Eating Disorder Trends, Treatment and Renewed Hope for Recovery, with Elissa Myers



Learning something new can be invigorating. And I certainly was reminded of that when Elissa Myers and I spoke recently about her role as Head of The Academy of Eating Disorders. We are a trend-hungry society (I use the word hungry deliberately) and like any other field of study, new treatment techniques are constantly evolving. Some surprising stuff here - especially when Myers spoke about the newest population suffering from disordered eating patterns. Quite a revelation. Want to learn more about treatment options, prevention, education and research? Myers provides easy to understand, straight forward advice and information from someone heavily invested in keeping abreast of the most cutting edge initiatives in the field of eating disorders today. And best of all, if you or someone you love has an eating disorder, her advice is clear cut and applicable. ABOUT The Preserving Your Bloom podcast is hosted by Iris Ruth Pastor who you can find at the following places: http://irisruthpastor.com