Go Hunt Life

Ep72 The Art of Balancing Boldness and Patience - Kimberly Rich



Kimberly Rich is a certified High Performance coach for executives and entrepreneurs and the host The Bold Life Movement podcast but she was once chained to a desk at a corporate job doing all of the right things that she SHOULD have been doing and felt trapped when one day she finally decided to ‘challenge the shoulds’ and hunt down the life that she was called to live. Listen on Apple Podcasts We go through the steps that she took and we talk about the mentors and communities that she looked to for direction that helped her re-design her life around freedom and location flexibility and how her bold path just recently led her to walking up on stage and delivering her first TEDx Talk. "I started to challenge the SHOULDS" - Kimberly Rich In this episode we discusss... When Kimberly started “Challenging the Shoulds” and channeling her boldness. How should went from being chained to a desk to being location independent. How taking the coaching program with Brendon Burchard aligned with The Bold Life Movement On