Go Hunt Life

Ep80 Solo Summiting Peaks, Running Across Deserts and Founding Global Non-Profits - Greg Nance



Greg Nance has run 155 miles across the Gobi Desert in China and Mongolia, scaled some of the tallest mountains in the world by himself and is a startup founder of global non-profits and companies that he is growing from Shanghai China. Be thankful he wasn’t at your 10 year high school reunion because he graduated from high school just a decade ago. Stranded in a snowstorm on a mountain in his sleeping bag for 14 hours doing sit-ups to keep the blood moving. [caption id="attachment_2543" align="aligncenter" width="601"] Greg finishing the 155 mile race across the Gobi Desert.[/caption] His ripcord moment really happened just after high school when he started college, became a keynote speaker across 9 different countries and founded his first company all by the time he was 19 years old. To add to all of this, he’s also a 12 Ambassador to the Seattle Seahawks after the team learned of his commitment to watching the games from China. Spoiler, it involved him running 30 miles round trip to a sports bar at 4am to