Go Hunt Life

Ep97 From Working Hourly Jobs to Living the RV Entrepreneur Life on the Road - Heath Padgett



Heath Padgett convinced his fiancé Alyssa to quit their jobs after their wedding, buy an RV and set out on the road for an extended 1 year honeymoon to live the RV life. His idea was to travel to all 50 States in their first year of marriage and along the way, find and work an hourly job in each state. Heath's goal wasn’t to document the plight of hourly workers but to explore how people find meaning in their work. "It really set the stage for us to live a whole year in a constant state of discomfort." - Heath Padgett on working an hourly job in all 50 states in 1 year. Alyssa, without any videography experience grabbed a camera and began filming their adventures and it blew up and turned into the documentary, Hourly America. They were featured on CNN, Forbes, CBS and all of the others. But what they also discovered was that executing on their idea was more difficult than they anticipated and half way through their mission, they almost quit. We talk about what happened and what drove them to continue.