Let's Do Life

A light-hearted story of a french baker



Often time things either don't turn out as we expect or life takes us through unexpected and grilling experiences. With this light-hearted story of a baker who uses his words to create his world, I hope you can start embracing your detours and creating the reality you desire.  Core Message Using your words and strong/focused intent can be a tool for creating the future of your dreams. Saying the right things about yourself, your community and the things you hope to accomplish. The experiment mentioned was Masaru Emoto's water crystal experiment and you can read more about it here (http://www.masaru-emoto.net) Resources on the power of words and strong intent Books Recreating your world (https://goo.gl/R3wv53) Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (https://goo.gl/Cmi6PX)   Music Used Darwin - Dessert La Vie En Rose - Louis Armstrong David Cutter - Flash Back