Let's Do Life

Robs10kfriends - Making 10000 friends & one secret to long life



In this digital age, the human connection could be easily sidelined. We're all busy building our lives and climbing different ladders of industry, but I hope Rob's story inspires you to take a second and say hi to the person next to you. With social isolation on the rise in most urban settings, projects like the one Rob is embarking on have become indispensable.  Today's main theme and quotes; If you want more years, drop your fears and say more "in-person hi's". The end is never the end - Kid Cudi Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Topics Covered; Rob's Story, Blue Zones, Long life, Meeting new people, Saying hi, being persistent and chasing your dreams Get in touch with Rob; Instagram - @Robs10kfriends Email - robs10kfriends@gmail.com Website - http://www.robs10kfriends.com/   Music; Kevin MacLeod - Backed Vibes  Original Intro sound - Adam Rose Jared C Balogh-Equal Value Ode To A Squirrel   Resources; The secret to living longer may be your social li