Lizard People, Dear Readers

Games, Lies, and Phil Collins (LPDR 00011)



[Hey Listeners/Readers/Lizards, due to conflicts with some menacing lizard-people-underground-illuminati conferences, we present you an episode from THE VAULT (thunder, lightning).  Next episode will be a discussion of Octavia Butler's Xenogenesis, with Aurora following hot on its heels.]   In this Culture Club episode, we talk about our highlights from GenCon 2014, notably artful medieval-em-up card game Ortus Regni.  A good(?) time is had by all with collaborative storytelling games Carolina Death Crawl and Psi-Run, with a nod to Fiasco.   Peter has been playing Folklore, but doesn't really feel like talking about it.  Nathan and George debate Season 10,000,000 of Dr. Who, while a 90 year old man and a hair piece fight vampires in The Strain.  Nathan watches OUTLANDER, but Geroge doesn't know why.   We introduce segments wherein George trolls Nathan on Twitter and we spend a second listening to a picture of Peter's butt.  Finally, George gives advice on how to cut through the content clutter by following hi